No less than Wikipedia (en./wiki/Kurtosis, accessed ) reports “.kurtosis.

The internet shapes peoples’ perceptions. And this is where the problem lies: because even papers in journals such as The American Statistician ( TAS) have given a nod to “peakedness” as a descriptor of kurtosis, the incorrect interpretation of kurtosis in terms of peakedness persists. While many have questioned the notion that kurtosis measures “peakedness” (specific cites given below), most state that the peak is also relevant, perhaps in deference to Pearson. Since then, numerous articles in statistics journals have appeared concerning the precise interpretation of kurtosis. If more flat-topped I term them platykurtic, if less flat-topped leptokurtic, and if equally flat-topped mesokurtic.” Given two frequency distributions which have the same variability as measured by the standard deviation, they may be relatively more or less flat-topped than the normal curve. “ degree of flat-toppedness which is greater or less than that of the normal curve. To measure departure from normality, and coined the terms “leptokurtic,” “mesokurtic,” and “platykurtic” to indicate cases where kurtosis is > 0, = 0, and < 0 respectively, stating,